experiences with theTap- watervitalizer
experiences with the shower-watervitalizer
experiences with the energyplate
experiences with the Watervitalizerpen
experiences with the Energetic-ring/bracelet
experiences with the Radisafe - mobile phone protection sticker
Experiences with the whole house watervitalizer
The Aqua Oriente vitalizer was installed just before Christmas 2018. Because I am clairsentient, I was able to "tune in" to the vitalizer's energy field beforehand. After some consultation with Jay, this model was the best choice to support my spiritual growth. Jay sympathizes with you when purchasing and gives sincere advice and shares his insights on how the product can help on the path of further spiritual growth. I could clearly feel how this vitalizer emphasizes raising awareness in my abdominal area and heart area. Because I am highly sensitive and easily stimulated, I wanted to be less in my head and more in my body. When the vitalizer was placed, the water tasted differently - softer and more vital - and I felt the qualities of the energy field in the apartment. My hi-fi music installation produced even more bass.
The first time to shower was literally with a flash of a flowing waterfall in my consciousness. It takes a few months for the field to be completely built up. It is wonderful to realize that our vegetables, our bath, our toilet, our plants are now fed with healing vital water. And also that we contribute to raising the awareness of our neighbors and the water company
It is not true that all my ailments are miraculously healed, but the product certainly supports me to be more in my body, to purify it even better and to increase the vibration frequency. After a few months you are so used to it that you actually do not notice it but I certainly would not want to go back. If I need it, I tune into the powerful energy and I feel what the product does for me again.
Jos - 15-05-2019
Aqua Oriente Vitaliser with filter was on our wish list for the new house. Fortunately we were able to realize this. What we especially notice is a much less dry skin. I actually no longer use a body lotion and also much less shampoo. And everyone notices more volume in our hairs. I have already drank a lot of filtered water and I don't notice a difference. It is still delicious! We now live in a fairly quiet area on the edge of the dunes. The energy feels good here and since there were no houses here, I can't see the difference because of the vitalizer. We are regularly told that it feels so serene here and, in our opinion, the vitaliser has contributed to this. The installation went well and professionally.
Tamara de Boer - 27-04-2019
Tastier and softer water. More peace at home.
Marijke - 27-04-2019
We are very satisfied with our watervitaliser and descaler. The installation was quickly done by a highly skilled professional who also had a lot to tell about the functioning of the vitalized water. The water tastes much softer and purer. We also notice the influence in the atmosphere at home. That has noticeably improved.
Showering without lime is also a lot more pleasant for the hair. We also notice that our appliances are starting to clean themselves. Our washin machine recently spit out a whole load of sludge from the drain-pipe. Just think about what happens in your body
All in all very satisfied and do not want to live without this anymore!
Bastiaan en Vanessa - 23-01-2019
We bought the Ourosboros and everything immediately transformed. Before I installed it myself, I asked the water molecules in my body to align with the information in the Ourosboros. What happened cannot be described; as if recognition, alignment and vitalization took place, beyond words 
Now that it is installed in the house it feels very good to shower, drink and give water to the pets. We also have an Alkalinizer for the drinking water to increase the oxygen and play with the pH between meals. This purifies the water even more on a physical level. We felt that both were essential. I also put a rose quartz next to the water pipes and it is complete. A 5 dimensional house with brilliant water in the forest, thank you so much for this beautiful creation!!!
Jeroen Postma - 22-01-2019
The installation of the Aqua Oriente was done professionally and pleasantly by an experienced serviceman who had a lot of knowledge and affinity with the product. I found it very difficult to make a choice between 2 vitalizers beforehand, so it was very nice that I could see and feel both of them at home. Jay had already indicated beforehand which one he thought was suitable for me, and eventually I chose it. We are very happy with it. The energy in the house has changed, the water has changed and tastes and feels much softer and more pleasant. I just cannot yet judge properly whether the amount of scale has decreased.
I now drink out of need, regularly half a glass or so. The aqua oriente works on so many fronts and layers in the body and the home, it is an ongoing process of growth, development and purification.
M. Miltenburg - 28-06-2018
A few months now with the Aqua Oriente vitalizer and filter, and I notice that my skin is less dry than before. I always had to put lotion on and that is no longer necessary! It is super tasty to drink! My dogs will confirm... ;-)
And the plants show a clear difference! The placement went smoothly and the explanation could not be more complete! Kudos to the people who took care of this to the last detail!
Daniella Piedfort - 09-05-2018
The Aqua Oriente water vitalizer was installed a few months ago.
I had many questions beforehand, but they were all answered by Jay. Made an appointment for the installation and that went well. A very nice conversation arose during the installation. And then I could begin to feel what happened with a gently running tap. I felt my hands tingle, my legs and I felt a different feeling in my chest.
The first days afterwards I noticed that the water felt much softer with washing dishes. Now I don't feel it anymore, probably because I'm used to it. And in those first weeks I received a kind of counter-reaction to that higher energy. I suddenly started eating more cookies and filling myself with a lower energy to compensate. After a while that disappeared by itself.
Then I got the urge to drink water instead of tea and I drank liters of hot water (not in one day of course).
The water tastes much better to me and I drink much more water more easily than before.
I am satisfied.
Evelien - 04-05-2018
The installation was a bit of a puzzle, but it worked out well!
The water is soft, clear and vital, really GREAT WATER!
The atmosphere in our home also seems to be changing. Can't put it well in words, but it feels nice.
You understand, we are very happy with it.
Winfried & Carin - 20-02-2018
I am very happy with my Aqua Oriente! I fully agree with the words of the users below. Certainly know that I am more connected to the earth. And that from the shower! I showered the same evening after installation and the water was soooo soft! My hair needs less shampoo and only a tiny bit of conditioner. My hair is long and straight and always shines, but now even more. Even the "nasty spot" on the floor in my bedroom is gone ?! Just gone !? Actually my whole house is softer and friendlier in appearance. I enjoy being at home more than before. And even the cat is inside more often than outside, while otherwise he could always be found on the street ?! I can only say that I am Super happy. Also happy that I have saved to buy a form in one go that covers the entire house. And Jay and Johan: thanks for your advice and deed and quick / good handling!
Els de Lange - 12-05-2017
It has now been six weeks since the installation of the vitalizer (a whole house water filter), and I can certainly notice that the water quality is much better, tastier, softer and tastes "fuller". I find it difficult to describe what has changed in the house. The first thing that comes to mind is velvet. As if the atmosphere has become softer, velvety, it has become wool-like. At present, my daughter, husband and three children are staying with us. We always stay in harmony, but now seems to be even more peaceful. I can not describe it in the right words; a warm soft blanket?!
Also, maybe this is a nice thing to add, my husband has Parkinson's disease and since the installation of the vitalizer, it seems asthough he is awaking in his emotional life. He has 'vulnerable brains’, as neuroscientist puts it, thus he is no longer really with us, mostly. I must admit that I’m also experimenting with dietary supplements, chlorella, so his awakening can also be combination of these changes.
The fact remains that he is fitter and more present in a loving way. Wow........ The miracles are really still happening for those who see them!!!
Dolly Donk - 17-08-2016 18:48
I am very pleased with our watervitalizer. Lets give it a five out of five!
Especially taking a shower, I experience it as having a party every time. It seems like the airways openup all the way.
Drinking this water is also delicious. In short, totally satisfied!
Agata Bengsch-Soltyszewska 15-02-2016
I am happy using the vitalizer. Together with the water softener, the water is softer. It tastes delicious, it is more vibrant and showering and washing my hair is something I can really look forward to! A houseplant that would have had quite a difficult time in the winter, now gets new leaves!
Marjan 23-01-2016
We had placed the Ourosboros, in conjunction with a water filter under the sink, in our apartment in southern France on our water supply. It took a while, but now there is a big difference. The water used to taste a lot like chlorine. We don’t taste any of the old chlorine and the water just tastes great. We fill our empty bottles with this water, whenever we go on a journey. We don’t bother drinking other water anymore. We will definitely see the benefits in the near future, as regarding to the plants. Best regards to my sister, who recommended me this vitalizer.
Tika 16-01-2016
After the installation of the adjustable watervitalizer: About the change of energy; now I'm happy to go showering, thereafter my skin feels soft. Have no burden of irritation in my wrists. The water has a good taste. While at home we are much nicer each other. So far only positive in all aspects.
The adjustable vitalizer is very powerful. And your card for the laptop, also!
I´ve noticed I have more energy and feel more grounded, since the water in my house is flowing through a vitalizer. I can work longer behind the computer without getting tired and the rags I use in the kitchen are kept fresh much longer. I perceive the atmosphere in my house much more pure. The water is soft and taking a shower with this water feels great.
Now it's just enjoying vibrant water. My parents live outside and also have a vitalizer, when I visit them I feel the influence of the vitalizer on the plants and animals I pervceive a peacefull atmosphere in the environment.
Jay Uijttewaal, founder of Vibrant Water.
The Inner Center in Hengelo is a spiritual centre that many people visit for all kinds of different activities. For this reason we use several vitalizers: at the head tap the Euro - and the Oriënte vitalizer have been coupled installed. Many people think that we serve a special tea and although it is generally herb tea, is has more to do with the vibrant water. Besides there is one more tap with among other vitalizers, the Ouros Boros vitalizer, to enable the people to taste the different waters separately. Very frequently we get to hear that people taste clearly the difference, the water is much more alive and tasteful. We are very satisfied with the vitalizers and convinced of the purifying and healing effects.
Employees Inner Center.
Because I wanted to know more about vital water, I signed up for an excursion to Boudewijn Leliveld the creator of the vitalizer. Here I could feel effectively what vitalized water does with your body. In his laboratory he lets you experience how you body reacts and how much more stronger you become using vitalized water. I have a vitalizer on my main tap. Because of this the water, which I drink, in which I shower, what my cats are drinking and my plants get, gets vitalised. People who visit my house feel the different energy. All stress, and superfluous energy flows away to the earth. I feel myself certainly more vital due to the water and notice that my process of awakening, becoming conscious, is stimulated by this vitalized water.
Our cat was very ill, and we had a strong sense we had to get a vitalizer. 4 october 2002 it was installed. Compared with the beautiful new type of vitalizers this vitalizer was rather huge.
We feel that the vitalizer contributes to the expansion of our consciousness we are getting more and more closer to ourselves.
A striking sign is that the cat of the neighbor doesn’t drink at her own place anymore, it comes to us to have water. Lately he didn’t show up for 24 hours but when he entered our house, he walked directly up to the trough with water. He started drinking as if he was dried up. Now it has come to a point that he doesn’t want to leave the house anymore, and he is not the only one; a lot of cats are pushing to get into the house aswell (only the cat of the neighbor is allowed to enter).
Another thing that is remarkable is that our small garden is a often visited place for different types of birds. This happens partly because we feed them, but our feeling tells us that the vitalizer has a big impact here too.
On a daily basis we find a group of around 40 sparrows, some doves, blackbirds, robins, finches, larks great and blue tit. Once we saw a sparrow hawk and a woodpecker.
A friend of us had a dog who wants to drink mineral water only, tapwater is refused, only not the vitalized water.
Gerhard & Jenny
Tap- watervitalizer
Best purchase I’ve ever made! I'm very happy about it. Delicious sparkling water straight from the tap. It feels great when you hold your arms under the running water, there has definitely something changed in our water. I feel vitalized and am drinking our water with pleasure! More often i have a glass of water now.
My product was delivered quickly and neatly. It is easily mounted and you also receive free shipping.
It may be a small thing to add, but I think the servic is really great, you can even make the postpackage into a signed package, for free. In short ... a must!
Irene van Iersel 01-09-2016
The tapvitalizer is top notch! Finally I am able to drink good water, quench the thirst.
The water tastes great. Just as I've tasted it in the Swiss mountains, sparkling.
And I really like the energetic effect.. like a mirror, mirror on the wall :)
Gea van der Wal - 06-02-2016
The water in Kleve (Ger) doesn’t have a lot of lime and it tastes very meager. After the placement of the vitalizer, the water tastes softer, fuller, lighter and rounder. I could immediately feel the energy of the vitalizer when I opend the tab gently.
Anne 25-01-2016
After purchasing the water vitalizer I felt more confident as I drank the water. I am Catholic, and I also noticed that I was better at keeping close to myself in the church, and was less disturbed by my surroundings, the water makes me, as a whole, lighter.
I feel vital and connected.
I am happy with the water vitalizer.
Soft and delicious water, it’s a little magically
and difficult to believe, but it really works.
And I like to drink water again.
Concerning the vitalized water I can say; After I read much concerning water and its properties I became so enthusiastic inside, the information about the water felt so truthfull and good that in me the wish arose to experience the water. Then the moment occurred that I could attend an evening which concerned vitalizing water at the place of the inventor of the vitalizer Boudewijn Leliveld, this evening has made much impression on me. Feeling energy which is released after inciting the tap, linked with several vitalizers was also a particular experience, at the one I felt heavily, at other one lighter or feeling have to be drawn backwards. It was particularly interesting to know and experience that a vitalizer rearranges the molecules of the water in a such manner that it feels and tastes good again, it tastes like drinking more. I found it surprisingly also to that see tha the water in a glass can look like a gentle substance with small bubbles, what tastes also deliciously full and round.
Anya Nibourg
Viiiiiiiiiiiibrant water now, just as if you are taking a bite, so full of flavour, I have always been a water drinker, and this is the crown on the 'ordinary' water. Thank you very much,
Ans of the Lockand
Unbelievenable how soft the water has become and how delicious it tastes.
Kaat Kraayeveld
Shower vitalizer; that's a winner, a real experience, as if you are taking a shower in the rain. I find it a pity that the feeling about this sensation already disappears, after you use it daily and get used tot he new feeling.
Antoine 21-12-2015
Here a number of fragments from the description of the experience of Wim Minten, who went to the water laboratory of the inventor of the vitalizers in Dalfsen, Boudewijn Leliveld. ‘
The camp-site vitalizer has already given me more grounding; a sense of standing more with two feet on the ground. I connected the camp-site vitalizer to the shower (1st floor) 2 days before I went to Dalfsen; I took some tap water from downstairs to let it be analyzed. Johan, Boudewijns assistant said immediately: there is something strange, as if water is already treated… The only conclusion which we could draw was that the vitalizer creates a energetic field as a result of which the quality of the water in the whole house changes, even if it does not flow specifically through the vitalizer.
Normally at my stay in Eindhoven I get troubled by itch after taking a shower. That was not the case anymore; the water feels more soft. The water in the central heather system in my and the neighbors house has now been replaced by vitalized water, so that it also can help to create a positive energetic field. There is rather a lot of electro-smog pollution in Eindhoven. Especially with the neighbor the harmonic working was already tangible during the filling of the central heather system, as if a number of people were doing meditation; the atmosphere became lighter and more pleasant. In general I think that the camp-site vitalizer is too small to create a strong positive energetic field in heavily polluted areas.; Lisbon is much more pleasant regarding pollution. What I have especially seen is that the vitalizer puts you with two legs on the ground. The contact with people in my direct environment went more easily than formerly; especially noticeable in the attitude to family, neighbors, friends…
Wim Minten
There is no what was common illness in our family since we use the water.
The tap is out side of my Hous just in the yard so the neighbors are usually getting water from my home so they are also getting vitalized water. People form different villages come to my place to have benefits of the vitalized water.
Wilson pastor from Tanzania Afrika
Experiences with the energy plate, Lamina Radiazione
In the beginning, after I had made contact with it, I had a feeling for a moment 'What should I do with this?' 'What should I feel now?' Now after a few weeks I realize that the plate has a powerful energy field. It is a nice energy for me so I put it on a central spot in the house. Not too close to everyday things because it's a very powerful grounding energy for me. I can feel the plate very strongly and clearly but I can also ask her to keep a bit more distance. It feels very good. I am very curious how three plates would feel.
Maartje - 01-10-2018
The whole energy at home has changed. And I have my grounding back. Super product!
Willem - 11-09-2018
Well Jay, so I come to the energy plate, this one will always be my best "friend" for the next 20 years ...
I put it under my pillow last night because I was stressed out and over thinking. I was struggling with that but it certainly wasn't a good idea and I put the plate away. It just got worse. But this morning with the meditation I didn't know what happened to me. So centered and peaceful. Normally I feel like so after a very long meditation retreat of 10 days.
My body is suffering from osteoarthritis and I can sit up only very briefly during meditation, but I did not breathe, "IT" was breathing and I felt so connected to Gaia. And my body no longer felt .... And all In the beautiful UNIVERSAL LIGHT .... Like this morning's experience I have only had twice in my life so far.
In India 25 years ago, with a Darshan from (my then) Guru and 10 years back with a NDE experience. I could have sat for hours, but I had to leave. What a gift...I will never forget this and I wonder what kind of person invented this. Don't you think this man deserves the NOBEL prize. I wish every person all this goodness...
Beatrix Willemse - 30-08-2018
Five stars for this super energy plate!
Wow what a difference at home for me, after I had an air conditioner installed in my house, it got out of balance and I got sick from the heavy electrical stings/impulses in the house from this new unit. Pressing headaches, and electrical stings/impulses in hands and feet as well as in my teeth, I literally fled my house to get rid of these nasty stings/pricks. A day later after a consultation I ordered the plates and stickers from vitaaldrinkwater.nl
And in the meantime I have provided my house with 4 extra earth pins that have been inserted 8 meters deeper into the ground than the existing pin that was 2 meters in. I also have a plate on the floor in my living room, under my bedroom and directly under my bed. All the electrical impulses/pricks that I felt in my body have disappeared like snow in the sun.
What a gift this plate has been for me!
Chantalle Buckx - 28-07-2018
I now have 2 energy plates. One is laying right in the middle under my bed, the other one is in the living room or the kitchen. When I still had one energy plate, I would sometimes forget to take it to the bedroom for the night. Those few times I had forgotten, I had a hard night, I kept waking up and only later understood why. That's why I bought another one, so I don't have to pay attention anymore.
During the day I put the other plate on the table and put my food or drinks on it. Or lay it on the floor under my feet or under the couch when I meditate. I feel that I'm better grounded. While driving I put the plate under the seat. Then I am a little less tired.
M. Miltenburg - 28-06-2018
The energy plate is good for the atmosphere in the house, and I use it in all kinds of places: under my chair/couch, under my bed or pillow etc etc.
I have a very personal connection with it and thank the plate regularly, usually with my right hand. The energy plate has a relaxing effect on me and the whole house and gives me and the whole house positive energy! I am very happy with this purchase, nothing but praise!
Kind regards, Karen
P.S. It also contributes to my personal growth and development, I have the idea/feeling!
Karen Bootsma - 01-12-2017
I bought an energy plate six months ago. Soon I experienced a pleasant atmosphere in the house, whereupon I decided to purchase two more plates. Now I have three energy plates and I am very happy with them!
In my experience, they not only neutralize negative energy flows, but they also strengthen positive energies. This has led me to accelerate my personal process.
I can warmly recommend the energy plate to anyone who wants a nice atmosphere in the house. It is a valuable investment in your life.
Bram - 08-11-2017
I've had the Energy plate for a few months now and I am satisfied. The first time I put a glass of water on it, I tasted a clear difference between that water and an ordinary glass from the tap. After that I didn't taste that anymore, very strange.
I especially benefit from the plate when I place it under my bed, then I sleep better. The 2 times I had forgotten it, that was clearly noticeable.
I put it also under the couch or chair that I sit on. And I took it with me when I went on vacation.
Mieke - 17-10-2017
The energy plate calms me down. Very nice to meditate with it after a busy day at work. All stress dissolves. You feel it right away. Wonderfully relaxing. After some time I also feel a clear tingling in my legs and feet. If I feel it has been enough, I will put it away. I use the plate daily. It goes on vacation with me. I also charge my blossom remedies on the plate. Don't want to miss it anymore.
Patricia Dierks - 12-10-2017
I mainly use the energy plate for myself when working on the computer. Often after a full working day I still have to do some administration and that is usually too much. I put the energy plate on my chair and feel that I can work better, longer and more concentrated. When I listen to a meditation CD or recordings with binaural waves, I put it under my head, what an experience ?, intense with many more colors and sensations. I am satisfied and happy that I discovered you through a friend.
Sylvie Brown - 24-09-2017
I have already had a diviner determine that I was laying, precisely with my heart, on an earthray. I have moved the bed for a while and I slept a lot better and was fitter during the day. Due to a lack of space I moved the bed back to the old place and now it went wrong again. I suffered a lot from cardiac arrhythmia .The last time I had them three nights out of four. At that moment I went looking for a solution and I found this website. Now I have the powerplate, less than a month at home. The diviner came over because I wanted to be sure that the plate also did its serves, because there was a guarantee of a month to return it. The results of divination was: If the plate lays under the bed there is no radiation and after I took it away there was radiation. So the plate now recides underneath the bed ......
Lisiane 07-06-2016
After I made a phone call to ask what product would suit me the best, I baught this plate. Before the plate arrived, I’ve already filled my filtersystem with water. As I was finished filling with water, the mailman cameby, I could feel the energy comming through the envelope (after reading the manual, the energy, apparently, is consiousness). I unrapped the plate, and the first thing I did was holding it against my hart with both my hands. Great, it was great what happend to me, later I released some tears not knowing where that came from. I placed the plate behind the filter and started to continue my day. By bringing the cosmos in connection with the mother earth the connection brought everything back home, I already know this feeling, sof or me it was a confirmation that it works. Later I had a glass of water, and it was deliiiisious! I drank, drank and drank some more, of course going tot he toilet afterwards, I felt that my body was cleaning. My body reacted so good tot he water, and it just tastes so good to drink it, it was exactly what my cells needed. Everyday again and again I love to drink this water, a few liters a day. Yes, yes. I now drink filterd, fitalized and consious water mmmmmm.
Diolène 25-06-2016 16:08
The two energyplates that I own for some years have been of many services.
I have one in the kitchen, where I always put all the food when I come back from the supermarket or the bio-shop. Especially the fresh foods, I let them rest a little longer than an hour you can see that they flourish on the plate. for example, the various types of lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, and afterwards they go into the cooling.
I also charge my crystals on the plates and if I need to swallow a painkiller I first put the tablet on the plate for a while.. Everyday there is a big can of drinking water on it, and we always take the other plate on our long car journeys. "They" say that it saves gasoline. I do not know fors ure about this one, but it is always nice to carry such a thought ..
Both plates here serve as a permanent company..
Chinta 06-02-2016
Besides a small remark concerning the energy plate. We have yesterday received the plate by means of the mail and we are very enthusiastic concerning the powerful functioning. We had the feeling we received a special healing whole evening long. When we went to bed we laid the plate under our bed and we have slept deliciously and we woke up superbly rested. Normally we are very restless sleepers who not frequently sleep over the complete night and now we did. A delicious feeling! In fact every body should have such a plate. I have now experienced how great it is to have protection against negative radiation. I think it’s a glorious invention.
I have the energy plate, which I bought from Harmen, a year and a half in my house and I frequently use it. I see that the plate centers me when I lay it under my feet or sit on it. It brings me closer to myself and helps me living more in the now. It is for me a helpful tool to be grounded. I was curiously of the functioning of the energy plate with others. For this reason I have taken it to a workshop. Approximately ten people have tried it out. Striking was that everyone there was very positive whereas they felt all something else. I have also used the plate during sessions. Because of the working the clients feel better connected to their body and the energy flows through easier. I frequently use the plate when I work behind the computer. Moreover I use the plate to clean and open my gemstones. They glow more, get more rain arcs and feel more sparkling and powerful.
I have an energy plate in my practice for clients who come on consult. They notice the effects directly. They come from the upheaval of the city into my practice, take place on the chair on which the energy plate lies, the stressed energy disappears right from their body. They come closer to themselves.
Harmen, The energy plate has a working on me. Normally it lies ordinary in my house doing its job, bending negative radiation towards healthy energy, but if I do start to feel sick or get tired or emotionally feel not nice, I take the energy plate and sit on it, or lay him under my feet. It improves my state every time. At my friends place I could never sleep well. His house is filled with electronic apparatus, wireless modems and telephones. Since I brought the energy plate I sleep wonderful in his house. I use the plate also for other aims then for which it is meant. It is great to meditate on. He seems to reinforce the impact enormously. Lately I had to make a journeyl of 10 hours in the car. Normally I regularly must get off and rest and if I arrive am I exhausted. I have put the plate against the back of the chair with a cushion in between. I drove 10 hours nonstop; only stopped to tank petrol and eat something. I arrived on my end destination with so much energy that I felt totally no fatigue.
With much thanks, Marieken Volz
Sleeping goes fantastically!! I´m so happy!!
The energy plate does it´s job.
Water vitalizer pen
I have received the vitalizer pen thank for that, I do tast, that the water tastes clearer, my daughter tastes it also and I drink much water.
Faria Chitanie
I put the ring under my pillow and I sleep a lot better now. When my caretaker cleaned my bed she had put the ring ontop of the shelf. That night and the night thereafter I slept very badly, and wondered how it then came tob e this way. Suddenly I realized I missed the ring. After I had placed it back, I slept well again.
Toos 25-05-2016
The ring functions very well. We are inseparable. I have the feeling that the ring protects and provides me with energy. Annoying emotions where I could continue to hang in disappear smoothly. I sleep keeping the ring under my pillow and the result is that I wake up much more fresh. If I forget to take it along in bed I see the difference in the morning clearly. This happened sometimes and I woke up tired again, at night I no longer forget the ring. I became this Tuesday very tired at a visit of an acquaintance. I caught the ring in both hands and felt the tiredness go away and energy come back, very nice. After a couple minutes most of the tiredness had gone away. Therefore I am very enthusiastic.
Furthermore much small and also larger things that change due to the vitalized water and the ring. I find it very special until now and if it goes on lke this it is going to be the best purchase which I have done the past 10 years
I am very happy to share about the energy ring:
"My experience with the energy ring is a really "holistic" experience: At the same time the ring widens my system, I feel to open up to new areas of experience - and at the same time the energy ring helps to stand on the earth with both feet, stable and secure. It has an integrating effect on many levels of existence. Another aspect that is amazing for me: The energy ring does not need "cleansing", as the ring in itself has the ability (for me) to help to accept and to let go resistance. Yet it assists to be stable in these processes. A cleansing of the energy ring is not needed for me, the ring is embracing all experiences and helping to integrate all."
Rosemarie Komossa, Germany
Since I’m wearing the power ring I notice that different things, tensions and difficult situations lose their grip on me more easily. These things still happen, but with more serenity because I stay closer to myself.
From the very first moment the bracelet felt right for me. Fewer moments of doubt and panicking. Every moment in my life is made easier and it happens more naturally.
I'm very happy with this bracelet! Thanks!
Wilma 13-02-2016
I Love my bracelets ...I bought one for my son and one for my husband ... Jay ...it is so exciting ...My son is a cricketer ...he is passionate and was not having a good season ...I told him to ask for help with his skills and to wear the bracelet ...explaining the idea of consciousness being in matter .... anyway he was’ 42, not out ‘[ cricketers will know this term ] and his prep school coach said it was the most skilful innings he had ever seen played by a 13yr old!!
So thank you Jay .... I am enjoying wearing mine ...I feel connected to this consciousness ...it is a beautiful reminder. Will let you know of the next miracle... this was an obvious one. My husband is certainly more open and wears his everyday... for a corporate city male... this is extraordinary... I will let you know how he gets on...
Radisafe - mobile phone protection sticker
Eversince I have the Radisave, I can use my phone for longer without getting a very clouded head. My eyes are less tired from looking at my smartphone and I’m not feeling small stabbings into my body anymore, when I have my mobilephone around me. Recommended if you are a sensitive being :-)
Hannah 08-06-2016